RMNP Building Has Frank Lloyd Roots

Beaver_Meadows_Visitor_Center_2This week marks the 100th birthday of Rocky Mountain National Park! To celebrate, Modern In Denver is taking a look at the built environment inside the park, specifically the RMNP Administration Building, also known as the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center. It was designed by Taliesin Associated Architects, an architectural firm founded by Frank Lloyd Wright to carry on his architectural vision after his death.

Beaver_Meadows_Visitor_Center_4The flat roof, ample use of glass and natural rock, and the way in which the building appears to grow from the site are all influences of Wright. According to the park, “Nature was Wright’s most inspirational force. His respect for nature was expressed in abstract designs that were harmonious with the landscape.”


Because of the building’s connection to Frank Lloyd Wright, the building is listed on the National Historic Register. It was completed in 1967. Read more about the building’s architectural features and for more Wright history in Colorado, read our article on his granddaughter who was an architect in Colorado Springs. 

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