Words: Andrea Clark Mason
I scream, you scream, we all scream for … whiskey ginger ice cream?
Well, yes and no. Ian Clark is the man behind Boulder’s latest boutique ice cream shop, Heifer and the Hen, which opened in April next door to his other venture, BRU Handbuilt Ales and Eats. Clark said the key to staying inspired is to have fun with the flavors—and the space. With bright colors and a playful attitude, Heifer and the Hen even has indoor swings. “Adults run over to those more quickly than kids do,” he said.
Clark’s budding career as a purveyor of gourmet ice cream almost never happened. After years spent cutting his teeth as Executive Chef at Centro Latin Kitchen (while home-brewing beer from his garage), he launched BRU in 2012. When the space next door became available soon thereafter, he missed his chance to grab it. But when it came free again last year, he took his wife’s suggestion and opened an ice cream shop, where he would have a more permanent outlet for the new flavors he was already debuting at BRU on a regular basis.
About that ice cream: It’s crafted from a 100 percent organic custard base of milk, sugar, and cream, and half the flavors and fruits are organic. Among the selections: Maple Bacon, Goat Milk Cajeta,Mango Lassi, White Russian, and Lime-Chile, alongside “elevated” versions of old favorites like Mint-Basil Bitter Chocolate (a clever take on the classic Mint Chocolate Chip). The rotating menu of 20 ice creams, three sorbets, and two dairy-free options keep things fresh. And artfully delicious.